Concerned Parent
While working with adolescent clients it has been our experience that very often we meet parents who care very deeply for their children and are worried about their wellbeing. At the same time they feel powerless to connect with their son or daughter as they witness them suffering and feel helpless in being able to help them. This position of helplessness is often magnified by the behaviour of the adolescent who refuses to engage with the parents, refusing to accept their loving support and advice. The approach taken at Caring Space is to actively involve the parents within the counselling work, using their affection for their child as a resource while reconnecting the parents to the adolescent. This connection is established in a manner that is more age appropriate and respectful of the developmental stage that the adolescent is at and alleviates any discord that may have existed previously. The re-establishment of this relationship is achieved by informing the parents of a way of being in connection that is more aligned to the adolescent and open to where they are at, and to the young adult that they are becoming. If you find yourself in this difficult position as a parent, you can be supported by the counsellors at Caring Space who have completed specialised training, allowing them to work with adolescents and parents in this manner. If you would like to know more about how we can support you and your family please get in touch.