Bereavement & Loss
Bereavement describes the sense of loss and grief we feel after the death of someone we care about.
It’s normal to experience a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, loneliness, guilt and anxiety during bereavement. It affects people in different ways and there is no right or wrong way to feel. Bereavement is not only a very emotionally distressing experience but can also leave people feeling confused, afraid and dislocated from their sense of who they normally are and how they normally respond.Working through your feelings with a therapist can help you come to terms with your loss.
Counselling provides a safe and supportive space in which clients can allow their most painful feelings to be expressed and witnessed. When our pain is shared and witnessed by another person it normalises what people are feeling.Counselling helps us to understand our complex and painful emotions and reduce the distress you may have about how we are feeling. It allows the feelings of loss to be integrated into your life and supports you as you adapt to life without your loved one.